

I K E A Glogg 傳統瑞典聖誕飲料Vintersaga 熱飲料,附附贈迷你不鏽鋼 ...

評分 4.1 (7) I K E A Glogg 傳統瑞典聖誕飲料Vintersaga 熱飲料,附附贈迷你不鏽鋼攪拌器25.4 液體盎司(約25.4 毫升) Oz.x2 ... 我們不知道該商品何時或何時會恢復庫存。

IKEA Glogg Winter Vintersaga Mulled Beverage Sweden 25.4 Fl. Oz ...

供應中 A traditional Swedish Christmas drink commonly flavored with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, bittler orange, and cloves.


Glogg is a traditional Swedish Christmas drink commonly flavoured with spices and fruit. In the wintertime, Swedish families make the home a serene shelter ...

IKEA 宜家家居

【瑞典滋味自製瑞典GLÖGG香料熱葡萄酒】 瑞典喺冬天成個冰天雪地咁,所以仍保持聖誕節煮熱酒嘅傳統。喺聖誕節,瑞典人會聚埋一齊飲GLÖGG香料葡萄酒, ...

Glögg recipe, traditional Swedish drink - Santo Domingo

Glögg is a traditional Swedish drink that is consumed during the months of November and December, but specially at Christmas. It's characterized for being a ...


透過DJUNGELSKOG系列床包布織品、填充玩具等,我們可以更認識他們,IKEA選用可再生的棉花、萊賽爾纖維(lyocell)及萃取自回收塑膠的聚酯纖維製作布織品,展現對自然及瀕臨絕種 ...

IKEA Mallorca

Glögg is a traditional Swedish drink that is consumed during the months of November and December, but specially at Christmas. It's characterized for being a ...

Glögg drink : rIKEA

It's part of their VINTERSAGA range. Should be available in the Swedish Food Market at your local store!

Ikea Glogg Saftglogg, Sweden

Highlights · From Sweden · Flavored - Spiced - Fruit Wine. Producer. Ikea. Liqueur producer by renowned ...